Friday, June 19, 2009

June 19, 2009: Video Games Again

LOLSCHACH's Journal: June 19, 2009:

Overheard fat man and Asian kid talking during a ride on subway. Something about a "sex box". Then recalled Japanese penchant for perverted materials. Knew that it warranted investigation. Followed the two men back to apartment. Listened to them rant about wide variety of topics, nachos, Batman, ghosts, Batman, etc. Boring. Tackle the two men as soon as they open the door to apartment. Walk in and start to investigate. Hurm. Surprisingly, nothing sexual.

Instead, lots of video games... and Batman. Hate video games, misleading little "realities", even known to cause death in past. Decide to see what got the fat man excited. Turn on "sex box". Graphic comes up. Oh no. Another piece of Veidt's merchandising. "Watchmen: The End is Nigh". Hate it. Looks nothing like LOLSCHACH, and Dreiberg is portrayed as rippling 215 pound man, not the massive overweight beast that he truly is. Probably Veidt's fantasy of him. Grab "sex box" and throw it out window. Walk out of apartment, overhearing far man complain that he just got it fixed. Heh.

1 comment:

  1. "and Dreiberg is portrayed as rippling 215 pound man, not the massive overweight beast that he truly is." Hahahaha!

    I love these.
